Ertuğrul ŞenHow to use Kaniko to build container image on JenkinsHow to do you build container images? If you are looking for an answer to such a question that you can answer this question with docker…Sep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
Ertuğrul ŞenHow To Use Kubernetes Pods As Jenkins AgentsIn another post, I have explained how to setup Jenkins On Kubernetes Cluster, you can read it.Sep 4, 20221Sep 4, 20221
Ertuğrul ŞenHow To Create Jenkins On Kubernetes ClusterIn this article, I’ll explain the step-by-step jenkins installation on Kubernetes. I’am assuming at this point you know a little bit about…Aug 30, 2022Aug 30, 2022
Ertuğrul ŞenJenkins & SonarQube ve .Net Core uygulaması ile Kod analiziBir proje üzerinde çalışırken ve araştırma yaparken .net core uygulamalarının jenkins üzerinde derlenmesi, pipeline üzerine entegre…Apr 25, 2021Apr 25, 2021
Ertuğrul ŞenHow to setup Jenkins with docker-compose ?DevOps is a process. We can manage this process with applications without interruption. Docker become one of the most popular management…Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020
Ertuğrul ŞenDocker Compose ve Jenkins KurulumuJenkins kullanarak nasıl build docker imaj yapabiliriz?Dec 20, 2020Dec 20, 2020